Friday 26 March 2010

unique libra tattoo ideas on the back

unique libra tattoo ideas

unique libra tattoo ideas
1.In the Tarot there's a card with the figure of Justitia. Tarot cards often have beautiful artwork, so it might be a good idea to look around for old tarot cards to see if you can find some nice designs.
2. Instead of just using the scales in your tattoo design, you can place objects in the scales. What objects depends on your personality and imagination..
3. The number 7: Libra is the 7th sign of the zodiac. 7 is a special number in many religions and cultures.
4. Libra's motto is "I balance". You can add the word "balance" to your libra tattoo or a Sanskrit or Tibetan translation of the word "balance".
5. Look for a stylyzed version of the Libra symbol, in the Celtic or tribal fashion for example.
6. Instead of a normal scale, you can make the scale out of branches of a tree.